quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013

Masters of the Guitar: String Electric to everyone
Today through Saturday, the Conservatory Alberto Nepomuceno opens its doors to lovers of the instrument
For the first time, the guitars will be the true protagonists. Today, June 8, to Saturday, the 10th, the Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste promotes the Conservatory of Music Alberto Nepomuceno, the Masters of the Guitar Festival. "It happened a similar event, but returning to the bass. Festival began as Low Cover Fortaleza and now called Masters of Graves. We, guitar, had a strong desire to promote something that format," says guitarist Plunder, one of the organizers the event and founder of the music school Guitartrix, specializes in teaching the instrument.
The Masters of the guitar is therefore primarily designed for guitarists and music students of all levels who wish to improve their techniques and doubts with some of the best musicians in the country
The tour through the history of skinny wood begins today, from 14h in room 19 of the Conservatory, located in the Benfica. The cream of the guitar Ceará - Marcos Maia, Felipe Cazaux, Cainan Cavalcante and Plunder - talk about genres and styles of electric guitar, the rural blues of the Mississippi to the chaotic dynamics of Heavy Metal.
Das16h 18.30, are presented to the public the musicians Stênio Gonçalves (CE), Felipe Facó (CE), Felipe Cazaux (CE) and Ozielzinho (PI).
On Friday, the training program offers two options: the Brazilian Guitar workshop with Magno and Zé Filho, from 14h to 15h30, or, at the same time, the workshop on Methods of Teaching Music, geared especially for teachers art and education, taught by Junior Marques degree in Music from the State University of Ceará - UECE. On Saturday, the guitarist Jonathan Rafael Bahia, presents a worskshop precisely on Bahian guitar. "We did not want to be just presentations. In them, usually we play our music and let's go, no more contact with the public. On the Guitar Masters, came up with the workshows, a mixture of presentation and workshop," says Plunder.
On Saturday, from 18:30, the Paulistas Roger Carvalho Franco and Sydnei promote one of these "workshows". Roger, who began his career in the city of Vilhena, Rondônia, is recognized, among others, for their guitar lessons online. Already Sydnei Carvalho has a background in classical guitar and guitar at Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, one of the most important schools of Guitar World.
"Instrumental music is still elitist. Our idea is to not only educate the audience, but enhance the talent who plays guitar, allowing the public to interfere in the show, ask questions. This is a privilege," argues Plunder.
More information
Masters of the Guitar Festival in 2013. Today through Saturday at the Conservatory of Music Alberto Nepomuceno (Av. University, No. 2210, Benfica). Free. Contact: (85) 3464.3108

Diary Northeast
Source: http://diariodonordeste.globo.com/materia.asp?codigo=1301266

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